Monday, April 1, 2013

The first priority of a mother - Christian Home and Family

first priority


This is Mindi ? Carey?s wife.

I wanted to begin sharing some thoughts with you moms out there, some thoughts that the Lord has laid on my heart over the almost 22 years I have been a mother.

I have 5 children.? The oldest is 21, married, with a baby on the way.? Yay!? I?m going to be a grandma!

The youngest is 9 years old.

Through the years the Lord has taught me many things in regard to being a mother.? I wanted to take the time to share some of those things with you, hoping that you will find encouragement in the counsel of the Lord, as I did.

Early in my life?

?the Lord impressed on my heart to seek Him, to rely on Him to be the controller of my life.

What is mean is that if Jesus lives in me now that I am a Christian, then He truly is the One living and not me, (Galatians 2:20).

  • I need to learn how to let Him do that.
  • I need to let Him be my constant guide throughout each day.

I learned early on as a mother, that if I didn?t set aside time with the Lord first in my day, I wouldn?t get my time with my Lord.

So I asked the Lord to help me put Him first.

For many years, He allowed me to struggle through the process of making Him first priority? but He has been faithful to grow me and get me to a place where I now look forward to my daily time with Him each day!

That is my first priority.

My relationship with the Lord has been the main tool He?s used to help me to raise my children to love the Lord their God.

Each day, I go to the Lord with the issues I face life.

Whether it?s?

  • that I got too little sleep because I had to wake in the night to feed a new born?
  • that I?m dealing with a willful 3 year old?OR
  • feeling burdened about the complex issues surrounding my teenager?

I have been able to bring it all to the Lord, asking Him for the help that I need for the day and the burdens I carry.

I learned to depend on His promise?

I realized that I needed wisdom to parent my children and I knew that the Lord promised He wouldl give wisdom to me freely, (James 1:5).? I began a habit of asking the Lord for wisdom daily.? He has been SO faithful to answer that prayer through the years.

By doing this through the Lord?s grace, I?ve developed godly thoughts as a mother.

This thought process has been my regular routine for many years: my first priority.

I?ve learned to

  • put the Lord first?
  • give Him my burdens?.
  • ask Him for wisdom in how to love and teach my children each day.

My first priority prayer?

Here is an example of what I would pray?. you might call it a ?Daily Prayer for a Mother.?

Lord, You are living in me right now, You are my life.? I ask You to be in complete control of me today as I work in my home and love my family.? I ask You to give me Your wisdom to guide me in each decision I make.? I ask that You give me Your thoughts and Your love.? I trust You today to glorify Yourself through me.? Amen.

God has been so faithful to guide me each day!

He will be faithful to you, if you can develop the same habits.

Your time with Him might work better in the afternoon or at night before bed.? God does not care about the time of day, He just cares that you give Him your time sometime during the day.

We mothers need Him?we will not teach our children in the way that God would have us, if we don?t ask Him each day to guide us and to do it through us.

Share your thoughts? how do you go about making the Lord your first priority each day?


About Carey Green

radical follower of Christ, husband, dad, writer, blogger, podcaster, marriage & family coach, counselor, speaker, retiring Pastor, and all around good guy (because of Christ). Connect with Carey on Google+


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